科技城幸福里(2024年 科技城幸福里)首页网站-最新楼盘详情-户型配套
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
物业公司: 保利物业
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
科技城 实小旁 稀缺低密洋房住区系出华润精工,致敬时代先锋
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
2006年 革新/
2009 睿变/
2012 蔚然/
2020 潮前/
2022 迭新/
相逢·默契与探索首个幸福里 品质给城市更多改变
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
l 科创产业高地:医疗器械,新一代信息技术,高端智能制造和新能源等先导产业领域
l 高知人才汇聚:汇集150多家科研院所及科研机构,优质企业150多家,750余人各类领军人才;
l 纵横全市的交通网:
l 2公里教育,全龄一站学府
2所幼儿园:科技城实验幼儿园 | 天佑校区,锦峰校区
2所小学:科技城实验小学 | 天佑校区,锦峰校区
l 3公里生活配套,幸福生活半径
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
太湖大道北 稀缺的低密洋房住区
l 更多改善户型:建面约120㎡以上户型占比达83%
l 为建筑做减法:低容积率,将土地留给自然
l 为改善而定制:以洋房为主的阔朗居住境界,区域难再觅
l 镜面建筑美学:极具线条美感的大面积玻璃,风范十足
l 类全面屏设计:极大化窗墙比,更利于通风采光,延伸无界视野
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
l 让人文融入景观:以“山水书院”造景理念,与科技城的自然环境内外相融
l 让社交融入景观:打造东西双中央花园景观、运河景观加持,内外多园,写意宏大生活场景
l 让生活融入景观:一环、一轴、三大中心、森林六境,以交互式体验,营造多维生活场景
l 高配甄选:配备新风、地暖、中央空调三大系统,演绎高端生活典范
l 严选品牌:引入众多精工品牌,全新臻造标准,匠造生活大美
l 尊崇归家:入户双大堂,生活的品质,归家的品位
l 智能设备:室内一键呼梯功能,塔尖高端享受
l 保利物业专属团队,兼以央企物业服务品牌第1名、中国物业管理行业综合实力第2名,服务细则真正融入每一个生活细节(数据来源:保利发展控股)
l 毫厘标准,为业主提供24小时管家服务
l “国宾级”管理,领先业内物业水准,个性化、精细化服务体系
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
该户型4开间朝南, 客厅和书房一体开间6.5米(其中书房部分2.6米),通感LDK设计,主卧开间3.5米,南次卧开间3米,北次卧开间2.8米,厨房开间3.3米,餐厅开间2.9米。
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
该户型以入户大玄关 +大四房+ 多飘窗+270°转角阳台的设计,4开间朝南面宽13.6,客厅+次卧双阳台设计开间7米,主卧开间3.5米,右次卧开间3.1米。
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
我知道他是最好的,所有人都知道。 但是,我想我可以和他斗! 谁都想有好的表现,我是一样。 也许我不是最好的运动员, 我跑不快,动作慢,跳不高, 但我可以和最好的球员斗!——雷吉·米勒
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!