车位比:2 :1(554个)
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
此次再挂新地大概率又是造 人才公寓,届时入市,将满足周边产业园人才的居住需求。
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
| 餐厅 |
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
|客厅 |
客厅无主灯,灯光层次更丰富,再搭配一盏纯白LP Hat壁灯,精致小巧,打破呆板的墙体表情。
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
|厨房 |
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
|主卧 |
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
|书房&儿童房 |
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
这宗地去年调整过规划,地块原为商业用地,后调整为商住用地;容积率1.8+限高60米,后期大概率打造 洋房+小高层产品。
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
双湖荣域西地块位置非常好,位于东延路南、西华林街东,占地14.9公顷,东侧就是 荣域花园,西北侧是 世茂铜雀台,南侧是绿地+低矮建筑,正面独墅湖一线湖景!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
再算上容积率和高度的限制,后期可能打造 洋房+叠拼+联排的产品。
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
地块为纯住宅用地,根据最新控规调整,容积率1.6,限高60米。未来或打造 小高层+洋房的产品组合。
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
目前地块已有 象屿、金新城、苏高新3家报名。
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
根据规划地块 容积率只有1.3,又是低密住宅。
地块要求: 户型面积不小于180平,装标不低于3000元/平
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
周边目前仅1盘在售,即 保利姑苏臻悦,楼面价27562元/平,5月取证房源均价约47750元/平,预计新地块入市价格也会差不多。
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
目前,太湖科学城板块在售新房 中铁建花语天辰、美田锦华澜轩、大境悦府、观澜雅境等,基本都是以小高层、洋房为主。
地块要求: 户型面积不小于140平,装标不低于2000元/平
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!
我知道他是最好的,所有人都知道。 但是,我想我可以和他斗! 谁都想有好的表现,我是一样。 也许我不是最好的运动员, 我跑不快,动作慢,跳不高, 但我可以和最好的球员斗!——雷吉·米勒
Sales office phone number: 400-8787-554 [reservation hotline] Warm reminder: Currently, we only accept reservation customers. In order to save your valuable time, please call the 400 phone number to make an appointment with the sales team in advance to avoid a bad experience caused by empty running. Thank you!