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搜狐焦点苏州站 2024-05-07 08:34:24



浦东三林板块 全新项目「招商臻境」即将入市售楼处电话:400-8787-554,看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑,建面约89-135㎡高层&约145-148㎡叠加、平层,联动价7万/㎡!售楼处已开放!售楼处线上预约中!

A new project in the Sanlin area of Pudong, "Investment Zhenjing", is about to enter the market. The sales office phone number is: 400-8787-554. Please be sure to call and confirm the time with the salesperson to view the house to avoid empty runs. The building area is about 89-135㎡ high-rise & about 145- 148㎡ superimposed and flat floor, combined price 70,000/㎡!The sales office is open!The sales office is making reservations online!


On October 11, 2023, on the first day of the third round of land auction in Shanghai, China Merchants sold the project plot for a total price of 7,386.26 million yuan.The land outside Sanlin Ring is close to Pudong Sanlin Software Park and China Telecom Park, with Pujin to the west, Kangqiao to the east, and Zhoupu to the south. The combined price is 70,000/㎡, which is higher than the 66,000/㎡ of the surrounding Kangqiao new house Haixiyun. .


This area has been out of supply for a long time, and demand has not been released. It is expected to be a hot spot.Located in the Sanlin section of Qiantan South in Golden Central, only about 5km away from the Qiantan straight line, China Merchants Shekou Shanghai's first exhibition hall of Zhen series works [China Merchants Realm] has opened!

招商臻境售楼处电话: 400-8787-554建面约89-135㎡高层、建面约145-148㎡叠拼多元化产品,房地联动价7万/㎡,标配泳池会所。兼具更高性价比和更高品质,2024年爆款预定!

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Telephone: 400-8787-554. The building area is about 89-135㎡ high-rise, the building area is about 145-148㎡. It is a combination of diversified products. The real estate and land linkage price is 70,000/㎡. It comes with a swimming pool as standard.It combines higher cost performance and higher quality, and is scheduled to be a hot model in 2024!

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

高层户型图:China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

叠拼户型图:China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554作为百年招商上海首发臻系进阶作品,这一次招商集21载深耕上海的开发阅历,从精研人居需求,以“静奢lifeDeco”为规划语境,重塑顶层生活逻辑,将对城市生活的思考全然凝练于此。多元化产品及生活范式,为三林臻启都市新生活。

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554项目西侧即为规划楔形绿地,未来出门就能享受绿地公园。招商臻境凭借独特的地理位置,集合世界的潮流、高阶的烟火气,在这里毫不违和地交织更迭,绘就都市中的极致繁华,也为时代主角成就了一片难得的矜贵生活圈。

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554「臻」系力作落子“前滩南、三林心”,可以说是上海城市发展的脉动之地,距离前滩直线仅约5KM,倚靠“金色中环发展带”,连着张江,牵着陆家嘴,自身拥有成片开发的雄厚资本。


China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554上海买房一直有“东富西贵”之说,“富裕”的发展轨迹,先是一路向东,然后沿着陆家嘴-前滩奔腾而南。随着前滩CAZ的开发已近尾声,滨江核心段价值链需要一个新的承接区域,这个区域沿着三林前滩向南延伸,“金色中环”两侧3-4公里的腹地就此成为前滩外溢的重要承载区。

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-5544配套学校:0901-08-04小学和0901-09-05幼儿园,目前已取得概算批复,正在进行施工监理招投标,计划2023年年内开工

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554根据项目建设需求:地块规划住宅下限1565套,地块要求一半全装修,中小户型比例为60%以上,装修集采标准为2500元/平。

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-5544根据项目规划设计方案,拟建11幢26层高层住宅、1幢25层高层住宅、2幢23层高层住宅、11幢6层多层住宅、5幢5层多层住宅,以及配套公建用房:12幢1层开关站、3幢垃圾房、4幢1层配套用房、2幢2层配套用房。

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554





China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554教育配套:上海市三林中学东校、上海市上南中学东校等(注:以上为周边现有教育配套,最终对口以交付后划分为准)。

China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554医疗配套:上海市东方医院南院等;

浦东三林板块「China Merchants Zhenjing Sales Office Tel: 400-8787-554看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑」约89-148㎡高层&叠墅 ,联动价7万/㎡!
