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Shanghai Pudong Shenjiang 958 Sales Office Phone ☎: 400-8123-664 ✔✔✔
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申江95 售楼处电话/地址☎:4008123664✔✔(预约热线)上海浦东申江95 售楼处电话☎:400_8123-664(开发商热线)房价优惠折扣,户型图,平面图,样板间,高层户型,房型多样,高层洋房合院别墅,交房时间,交付标准,周边配套,学区配套,一房一价表,认筹时间,地铁口距离,区域板块!
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申江95 售楼处电话/地址☎:4008123664✔✔(预约热线)上海浦东申江95 售楼处电话☎:400_8123-664(开发商热线)房价优惠折扣,户型图,平面图,样板间,高层户型,房型多样,高层洋房合院别墅,交房时间,交付标准,周边配套,学区配套,一房一价表,认筹时间,地铁口距离,区域板块!
上海黄浦江江畔,上海中心、环球金融中心、金茂大厦、东方明珠、陆家嘴中央绿地等 5A、4A 景区在侧。
周边林立各类知名景点和生态公园,楼下即是陆家嘴中央绿地(5A 景区)、梅园公园;浦东滨江大道(公园)、东方明珠举步即达;知名三件套:上海中心、金茂大厦、全球金融中心对望;吴昌顾纪念馆、上海海洋水a族馆等旅游景点近在咫尺。
Shenjiang 958 Sales Office Phone: 400-812-3664 ✔✔✔
Shanghai Pudong Shenjiang 958 Sales Office Phone ☎: 400-8123-664 ✔✔✔
案场限流 看房请务必提前来电预约登记
Please make sure to call in advance to make an appointment and register for the restricted viewing of the property
1, check the five certificates, the so-called five certificates refer to the "State-owned land use Certificate", "Building land planning Permit", "construction project planning permit", "construction project construction Permit" and "commercial housing pre-sale Permit".
2, in fact, to buy a house to choose a good reputation of developers is necessary.
Generally good developers are highly qualified and well-funded.
3, evaluate the ability to buy a house, for the just need family, because of their limited economic ability, so will take a loan to buy a house.
The loan needs to pay a certain amount of monthly payments every month, in order to ensure that the quality of life is not affected, to avoid the risk of broken payments, Xiaobian suggests that the amount of monthly payments is best controlled within 50% of the total income.
4, select the house type, select the house type, first of all to look at the direction of the house type.
The order of orientation is: due south, southeast, east, southwest, north, west.
5, choose the floor, the air quality of the middle floor of the house is better than that of the lower floor, and the travel of the higher floor is more convenient, which can be said to be a compromise.
6, many buyers believe that the current price is too high, so when buying a house, generally in the same area, the same lot to choose a cheap price of real estate.
The correct way is to learn more about the selection of housing knowledge, pay attention to the good or bad housing type, housing quality and other dry goods.
7, don't be anxious, young people should not be good when buying property, should abandon the idea that home ownership must be in place in one step, according to their own can bear the scope, make a reasonable decision.
8, see the concessions, for the developers to give the concessions, to inquire more, more analysis, more judgment, do not blindly follow the wind.
9, do not blindly buy big, look at the house must be considered comprehensively, not one-sided.
The first is the area, the area is applicable to the principle, not for large and large.
10, look at the planning, of course, to buy a house to pick real estate, pick the community, pick the type, but also can not only look at the house, but also look at the location of the house.
After all, the biggest factor in determining the value of a house is location, so it is recommended to keep in mind the direction of urban development when purchasing a property.
11, look at the price, price selection and comparison of personal affordability, traffic conditions, community environment, housing structure and other conditions to measure the price of real estate.
12, the community environment, community landscape, greening, supporting and so on are closely related to life, but also the embodiment of the quality of the real estate.
13, avoid the extreme layer, the top and bottom are not recommended to buy, the bottom is not only easy to damp, mold, breeding mosquitoes, the light is not good, the top one to the summer, not only stuffy, not breathable, but also easy to leak.
14, away from the equipment layer, the equipment layer is a special water supply, power supply of the middle floor, if you live near the equipment layer all year round, not only the noise of the machine equipment torture people can not rest, even the radiation of the machine will affect people's health.
15, consider the problem of children, buy real estate to consider the safety of children on the road, try to choose a close house.
This can save a lot of time for children, so that children have plenty of time to study and rest.
16, property, the services of different property companies vary greatly, and whether the property company can complete its tasks perfectly involves the overall quality of the community.
17, the purchase deposit, the deposit is extremely unfavorable to the buyer, so that the buyer is in a disadvantageous position at the time of signing, the buyer is often under the pressure of the deposit does not return, against his will to accept the unequal terms of the developer.
18, sign the subscription book, the basic terms of the subscription book to be agreed on in detail, the main situation of the house to be purchased in the subscription book to be agreed.
The content of the terms should be legal and effective, and the developer is required to provide the text of the commercial housing sale contract as a formal signing.
5 Tips for an expert to buy a house
The expert buying a house can be simply summarized as "five sentences", that is, "one look at the lot, two look at the supporting facilities, three look at the floor, four look at the apartment type, and finally look at the price".
1. Look at the location
Insiders buy a house first look at the lot, the richest Chinese Li Ka-shing also said: "The factor that determines the value of real estate, the first is the lot, the second is the lot, the third is the lot."
Although this location theory is more suitable for investment property, it has to be said that the choice of area (location) is also very important when you need to buy a house.
Because the real estate in a good location has more space for preservation or appreciation, and the risk of buying a house is smaller than that of the remote suburbs of the city, even if the future housing price plummets, the first to fall is the real estate with a higher location, and the real estate price with a good location is generally the last to decline.
2, two look at the matching
Buying a house must not ignore the supporting facilities inside and around the real estate, otherwise the supporting facilities of the community are not perfect, not only the children are not convenient to read, even if you want to eat a meal, see a disease are very troublesome.
The supporting facilities in and around a good community are relatively perfect, not only water, electricity, gas, gas, broadband, parking lot, public toilet, multi-functional children's activity space, leisure places in the park, property management company and other internal supporting facilities can meet the daily living needs of the owners.
There are also convenience stores, vegetable markets, food stores, pharmacies, small supermarkets, schools, bus stations or subway stations and other multi-functional services to meet the higher needs of owners and children.
3. Look at the floor
Different floors, the ventilation and lighting of the house, the vision landscape and the privacy of the owner, living comfort, and even noise pollution, travel convenience are more or less different.
Generally speaking, the low floor is more convenient to travel, and it is easier to escape in case of accidents, but the ventilation, lighting, vision and other relatively high floors are poor, privacy is poor, and noise pollution is also serious;
The high floor has a good view, fresh air, and better ventilation and lighting, but if the elevator fails, it may affect travel.
In general, the floors between 1/3 and 2/3 of a building are better floors, belonging to the "golden building" that is not high or low.
4, four view apartment type
Different orientation, different ventilation and lighting units can also affect the owner's living comfort, generally speaking, "north and south transparent", square, reasonable design layout, dry and wet distinct units is a good unit, so live more comfortable, and "west sun" units, dark and humid "middle households" are disliked by many people.
5. Finally, look at the price
Many buyers think that house prices are the most critical factor to buy a house, in fact, is not suitable for their own is the most critical.
In their own ability, if the price is high you can accept, so that you will feel that the location is good, good matching, good housing type, good floor house is the best, even if the price is expensive and willing to buy.
However, if you have limited ability and limited funds to buy a house, then it is estimated that wherever you buy will feel expensive, and even feel that the cheaper the house price, the better.
However, "a penny for a penny", the price of a good location is also expensive, and some houses are cheap because there are obvious shortcomings, specific or depending on personal acceptance.
If you don't mind the disadvantages of these houses at all, then you can buy them. If you do mind, you should not buy them, lest you regret it.